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3 steps to financial security

3 steps to financial security – enjoy your retirement with a pension that works for you


In this video, I am going to showing how by following 3 steps you can live rich & retire rich.

1 – Pay yourself first, save at least 1 hour per day of your income

Make it automatic, protect yourself from yourself get it out of your account before you can get your hands on it. This will have a big impact on your financial future. We looked at this in the last two videos and how over time you could save  €719,000 for your retirement and have €195,000 in an emergency fund.  We based this on saving €22 per day for each working day.

2-  Buy a home and pay it off early

Make a commitment to pay 1 month extra mortgage payment per year

You Save thousands on interest

You force yourself to save

You cut years off your mortgage

Example – €200,000 mortgage over 25 years you would save over €15,000 in interest payments and reduce your term by nearly 3 ½ years.

Recognise that what matters is not how much to earn but how much you spend.

Decide right now that you can spend a little less and save a little more.

3 – Speak to an impartial financial advisor like me, international studies have shown by doing this you could have 3 times more savings than those that don’t.

Get your money to work for you, instead of working for it. Put your money in a well-diversified managed or property fund. Making money should be boring and having a boring financial life is important.

Some people worry about money, while others prepare for life’s unexpected events. A good night’s sleep is achieved by surrounding yourself with a cushion of money.

Imagine never having to worry about money again …. that is what I can help you achieve.

Thank you for listening. I am Kevin O’Neill, if you have any question or need further information please visit www.planreview.ie,

Ps Have a boring financial life but plan to live rich and retire rich.