Automate your savings, protect yourself and your financial security from yourself
Protect your self from your self, you cannot spend what you do not have,. Make saving automatic, forget about budgeting, forget about getting rich quick schemes, make the commitment to pay yourself first. Start with 3% of your income, if you find this easy increase this 5%, 10%, 15%. Set up a system to pay yourself first, the taxman takes his cut first, the mortgage, etc…
The point is not to put yourself on a budget, it is to make you realise already you earn enough to start saving and investing, even better, that you already earn enough to be rich.
Let’s go back to the €22 per day example and let’s get this working harder for you whilst protecting yourself from yourself. Put this €22 in a pension fund it will still grow to over €719,000 but now the taxman is giving you back €9. It is not costing you anymore you are getting tax back. NOW do not spend this €9, put it aside in an emergency savings account.
EMERGENCY is an emergency, not the trip to Dundrum or Aviva. If left alone over 30 years this will grow to over €195,000. So with the same €22 of your income, we now have a pension fund of over €719,000 and €195,000 in an emergency fund.
You have protected yourself from yourself and set up a fund for EMERGENCY events and your old age.